How To Interview Signal Mountain Real Estate Agents

One of the most crucial decisions you'll make when buying or selling a home is which real estate agent to use.  Knowledgeable Signal Mountain REALTOR  prevent you from making costly mistakes, provide honed negotiation skills to help you get the best terms and price, and deliver a multitude of other advantages.

Before choosing the agent to represent you, take the time to interview a few Signal Mountain REALTORS.  Here are the top 7 questions you should ask.

  1. Are you a full time or part time agent?  You want to work with full time agents.  They'll be available to you when you need them, and because of their additional experience, they'll be more skilled and knowledgeable.

  2. How long have you been in real estate?  You want to hire an agent who has experience in real estate and preferably experience in your specific geographic area.

  3. Will you give me at least 3 references I can call?  Then call the references and ask questions such as:  (1)  What was the best thing about working with the agent?  (2) What was the most frustrating thing about working with the agent?  (3)  Would you work with this agent again?  If yes, why?  If no, why not?

  4. What is your average list-to-sales price ratio?  This is particularly important if you're selling your home, but it can be an indication of the experience and knowledge level of the agent which is also important for buyers.  If an agent is able to consistently get a sale price that is very close to the listing price, then that real estate agent has a good ratio.  If the agent is unable to show you a favorable list-to-sales price ratio, you should keep looking.

  5. If you're a seller ask:  What is your marketing plan?  If you're a buyer ask:  What is your strategy to help me purchase a home that fits my needs and budget?  The best  Signal Mountain REALTORS have marketing plans and buyers' strategies that have been put to the test and are proven to work.

  6. What is your commission?  If you're a buyer, you may or may not pay any commission.  That'll be paid by the seller at closing from the proceeds of the house.  If you're a seller, expect to pay between 5% and 7% of the sale price in commission.    

  7. What is your cancellation policy?  You want to find out what action you are able to take if you are not satisfied with their service. 

Interviewing Signal Mountain real estate agents takes time and effort, but you’ll be rewarded by the best service you can find.

If you're shopping for a real estate agent, I'd be honored to be included in your interview process.  Call me today at 423-488-1882, or email me at


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